My name is Dr. David Hall.
In 1995, I began marketing my own dental practice on the Internet. When I started Infinity Dental Web in 2009, my perspective was that of a dentist who had used his own website to get his phone to ring with prospective patients. I think that’s why I’m so passionate about getting results for our clients—I’ve been in your shoes. Plus I’m a results-driven guy. That’s just how I think.
There are four basic points I’d like to make about our focus on results.
It’s our first question when prospective clients call, and it surprises some of them. We ask, “How many new patients do you want to attract with your website?” For some, they have never been asked that before. But we view your website primarily as a marketing tool, and the first thing we need to know is how many new patients you need per month. We also want to know something about their demographics, the types of procedures you want to do, your competition, and your market territory. From that, we will recommend an Internet marketing strategy for you that will reach those goals. So we’re results-driven from the very start.
No one else in the business does this the way we do, guarantee a certain level of traffic, but we have done it ever since the founding of our company. We take the number and types of patients you want to attract and extrapolate from that how many visits you need to your website to reach that goal, and then we will guarantee that number of visits. Because building traffic is a slow, methodical process, we give ourselves a year to reach that goal. If we don’t reach it, we’ll work for free until we do. Look around—you won’t find that kind of a guarantee anywhere else but right here.
As unique as our traffic guarantee is, that is actually less remarkable than our actual track record. The way we make sure we never miss on the guarantee is by shooting much higher. In fact, our average performance is that we more than quadruple the website traffic of every client in the first eighteen months of their being a client. That’s the average. For some, we only triple their traffic. But for others, we increase it by five- six- or even ten-fold. And then, as we continue to work on your site, our average traffic increase for subsequent years is about 75% per year. (Click here to see a video of a case study illustrating what we can do for a practice.)
As you may be aware, in Internet marketing jargon a new patient is a “conversion”—someone visits your website or your Facebook page and then calls to make an appointment. We may have created a beautiful website for you, but that isn’t our end game. Our end game is to get your phone to ring, and then it’s your responsibility to schedule, treat, and retain them as a patient. To help us focus on that, we want to install call tracking on that website and then monitor how many calls the website generates. And if it isn’t enough—if the number of calls doesn’t meet your goals—we will be on top of the situation and tweaking the website or doing whatever we need to do to get it to perform.
That’s who we are—a results-driven dental Internet marketing company—from your first conversation with us right on through everything we do.