Virtual Consult App

Responding to input from our clients, Infinity Dental Web has developed a Virtual Consult App. Our clients found that while patients had some interest in virtual consults, it wasn’t enough to support the high monthly fees others were charging. So here’s what we did differently:

Our app is specifically geared for cosmetic dentistry consultations.
Our app does not route patients through a third party website but keeps them on your website. Patient inquiries will be stored on your website.
That structure enables us to trim the cost significantly. Other apps require a monthly fee of from $249 to $399. Ours can operate for a monthly fee of $27.

For ours, you do need a WordPress website. We can then install it on your website for a one-time fee of $550, followed by the small monthly maintenance fee.

How It Works

Why You Want to Do This

Request More Information

consult widget image

A box like this will pop-up on your website.

Request more information

Fill out a short form and we will get back to you to answer any questions you have.

Fill out a request
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