Local Search

Tablet searching local map

Google’s local search and other online directories are designed to help people find local businesses and services, and there are a host of reasons you want to be optimized for local search. Patients who are seeking dental services will often use an online map or another online directory. Searches for terms such as “find a dentist near me” are getting more popular. Searches on phones also use online directories to deliver location-based results. Further, Google’s general search will frequently list a directory such as Yelp at or near the top of results. And finally, when people use general search, at the top of the page they will usually find a small map with three dental practices listed in what is called the local three-pack. Our local search services are designed to target all of these results.

Local Search And Reputation Management Services

Google local search algorithm is separate from their basic general search algorithm
and requires a separate strategy.

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