April 2021

Infinity Dental Web News & Insights

Yes, You Could Be Sued for Website Accessibility

After nearly a year of research and work on the subject of website accessibility, we have finalized an excellent accessibility solution for our clients. Earlier this month we signed a licensing agreement with a software company that provides an artificial intelligence product that will re-program your website for various disabilities in order to make your website fully accessible. Rather than the five-figure solutions being talked about in some dental circles, our licensing agreement entitles us to install this software on any of our websites for only $380, with an ongoing licensing and maintenance fee of $50/month. And unlike cheap widgets that are being promoted by others, this application makes your website fully compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act with its subsequent interpretations by the courts and by the Department of Justice.

While the Internet Marketing Agreement that all our clients have signed tells you that we have taken steps to make your website accessible, it warned that making your website comply with all the rules, once those rules were established, would likely involve further costs. Now that website accessibility lawsuits are accelerating, and now that we’ve been able to clarify the rules and bring the fees for compliance down to a reasonable level, we recommend that you act to make your website fully compliant with the law.

For details, you’ll want to be sure to read our blog post: ADA Compliance Standards – How to Avoid a Lawsuit.

Dave Hall, our company president, has also had an article on this subject approved for the June issue of Dental Economics, so you may want to look for that.

Make my Website Compliant

Virtual Consult follow-up

In our last newsletter in January, we had announced our virtual consult app. We’ve had several clients take us up on this, and they are having good results. If you missed that, you can read about our app here: Virtual Consult App. By careful research into the HIPAA requirements, we have been able to simplify the handling of consult requests by patients and trim the cost dramatically over what competitors are charging.

If you have had us install the app but haven’t had us also create a page optimized for virtual consults, we strongly recommend adding the page, and we will discount our standard new page fee for you. Online searches for virtual consults doubled from 2019 to 2020, and the page will enable you to be found for those searches in your market.

Get the Virtual Consult App

Client Spotlight—Dr. Joseph Rota

Dr. Joseph Rota is a dentist in Colorado Springs with a long list of credentials. He is a graduate of LVI and an accomplished cosmetic dentist, having won multiple medals in the AACD International Smile Gallery competition, including a “Best of Show” award. He has fellowships from the Academy of General Dentistry, the Academy of Head, Neck, and Facial Pain, and the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain. And he has been awarded diplomate status from the International Academy of Implant Dentistry, the Academy of Pain Management, and the International Dental Implant Association. He has also been a mentor and clinical instructor for CEREC Doctors.

He has been our client since 2009, and has been through two website re-designs besides some major practice re-structuring. In 2019, he decided to boost his patient acquisition even more by adding paid search, which has further doubled his website traffic and doubled again his new patient numbers. We are estimating that he is getting a 20:1 return on investment for his pay-per-click advertising, which is focusing on cosmetic dentistry, implants, and emergencies.

Visit Dr. Rota’s Website

We're here to help

If you need updates done to your website, have questions about running Adwords campaigns, want more information about social media, need help accessing your monthly reports or have any other questions or concerns, we’re here to help!  

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