Dr. Fred Arnold is a highly accomplished cosmetic dentist in Lexington, Kentucky. He is an Accredited Fellow of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and a former chair of Accreditation for the AACD. He continues as an accreditation examiner for that organization. In 2012 he won the Outstanding Service Award from the AACD. He also lectures on porcelain veneer technique and has published a number of articles.
The focus of his practice is aesthetic dentistry, though he is also very interested in dental implants. He feels so intensely about the value of dental implants that he will not do complete dentures on a patient unless they are implant-retained.
In his first six months with Infinity Dental Web, website traffic more than quadrupled and his Google rankings for Lexington cosmetic dentist improved from the middle of page 3 to number 3 on page 1. The website is now keeping him busy, he says, with about 20 high quality new patients per month who want smile makeovers, implants, and other high value services. All this for about one-third of what he was paying his previous website company.
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