
Some Guidelines on Which Website to Choose

First of all, we need to mention that not every client will fit into these guidelines. We have clients with custom needs that don’t fit into any of these categories, and we are quite willing to customize our services to your needs.
As you look over these websites, you need to realize how powerful they are. When we inherit websites from our competitors, they will often be getting only 100 to 500 visits per month. Our high profile level guarantees 1000 visits per month, and our impact level guarantees 2000.

  • We start with a Performance website. This is a “starter” level for a practice in a small city of maybe 10,000 to 25,000 people, or for someone particularly cautious about getting into Internet marketing. It may draw an estimated 2 to 4 new patients per month.*
  • The High Profile website is twice as powerful as the Performance website, and it makes sense for a variety of situations. It can can have high visibility in a moderate market area of about 100,000 population. It probably is too powerful for market areas of say 15,000 or less, unless the dentist has the ability to draw patients from other communities. When mature, it may draw an estimated 4 to 8 new patients per month.*
  • The High-Profile plus website is 50% more powerful than the High Profile site. It can be highly visible in a moderate market area of about 100,000 population or a major suburb, but it can also carve out a pretty strong niche in a larger metropolitan area. When mature, it may draw an estimated 6 to 12 new patients per month.*
  • The Impact website is twice as powerful as High-Profile. It usually makes sense only for market areas of at least 200,000, and again, the dentist should have the skills and reputation necessary to attract patients away from other highly competitive practitioners. In some cases, the dentist may be practicing in a smaller community, but has the capacity to draw patients from around the state or from nearby states. Please understand that successful dental marketing involves creating trust with information of substance, and that hype really doesn’t work well. So to take full advantage of this powerful website, you need to have substance to what you are offering prospective patients. When mature, it may draw an estimated 8 to 16 new patients per month.*

Keep in mind that there is much more you can do on the Internet besides a website. Before 2012, you could have a pretty effective Internet marketing program with just a desktop website. Since then, being truly effective requires having a mobile-friendly website, optimizing you for maps, business listings, and reviews, and social media. Call us, or visit our “Request for Information” page to discuss what mix of Internet marketing would work the best for your practice.

*A note on the number of patients. Don’t expect these new patient numbers in the first few months. The performance of a website in the search engines is strongly correlated to the trustworthiness given the site by the search engines, which takes time to develop. It takes about two years for organic search engine optimization to mature, and it continues to build even more after that. Expect patient numbers near the lower end of the scale the first year, and continuing to increase after that. In time, some clients actually greatly exceed the top numbers. If you want to speed that process, we can set you up with a pay-per-click advertising campaign to couple with your website.

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